I Want Out, but first, I'd Like An Apology
The world is too crazy these days for me to not write about it. The other day two spandex clad cyclists nearly hit us-plus-baby on a bike ride down a BIKE PATH. When we approached them with a "Hey, that was really cutting it close back there and see we have this baby on us" remark at the subsequent crosswalk the guy merely dismissively said, "Ok", and the woman turned around with a snide voice and "Oh, I forgot, some people don't know how to ride"...and then they cycled off! What?! WHAT JUST HAPPENED? DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN? That's how the world feels these days. We all sense it, some more than others. And these people epitomize the online bullies many have become, who have lost their social skills and empathy and self and other awareness in the process. Their ability to reflect. Lord help us. ..................................................................... ..................................................................... So anyway. "...