I Want Out, but first, I'd Like An Apology

The world is too crazy these days for me to not write about it. The other day two spandex clad cyclists nearly hit us-plus-baby on a bike ride down a BIKE PATH. When we approached them with a "Hey, that was really cutting it close back there and see we have this baby on us" remark at the subsequent crosswalk the guy merely dismissively said, "Ok", and the woman turned around with a snide voice and "Oh, I forgot, some people don't know how to ride"...and then they cycled off!



That's how the world feels these days. We all sense it, some more than others. And these people epitomize the online bullies many have become, who have lost their social skills and empathy and self and other awareness in the process. Their ability to reflect. Lord help us.



So anyway. "I Want Out, but first, I'd Like An Apology"

It'd been a long while, probably 2.5 years, in fact, since I'd been to karaoke in a crowded, noisy bar.

I went just the other night! It was everything I'd dreamed it would be! I mean, except for the diversity in age. It seemed my friend and I were the lone middle agedish ladies in attendance. Even my outfit felt middle agedish! The other places I used to go to had far more representatives of people like me, or older. But for one reason or another we didn't go to those spots. We went to this one near a university, hence the crowd. It was still fun, though. 

This university crowd was on fire for karaoke! So many good singers. And they loved my 90s choices, cause I guess the 90s are all the rage now.

I'm Generation X and proud of it. A teen in the 90s. Independent, self reliant, direct...cynical, a DIYer. I can be laid back, apathetic, a slacker in some ways too. Lately I've been feeling my age. 

So, I'll be direct: I'd like an apology.

And then I'll be cynical: I'm not gonna get one.


For 7 months I was barred from karaoke. Because I refused an experimental medical procedure.

“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.” – Ian Watson

As I sat in that bar, the other night, I thought of the lack of diversity in age that I was seeing. I thought about how I'd been banned from karaoke hub-bub. Well, what about ME? What happens in karaoke bars, in bars, on dance floors? What happens at restaurants, in gyms, at movie theatres and theatre theatres and concerts and, oh, airplanes and trains and busses to places? Connection does. Conversation. Shared experience. Debate. Laughter. Life. Need I go on?

The vax pass system created a homogenous zone of sorts. One that didn't even do what the intention was--protect from disease. A two-tiered system for some other reason. I hope I never fully know the other reason.

I was barred from so much, because I wouldn't get an experimental medical procedure for a virus that has an incredibly high survival rate. Like, why do I even need to say that?! An experimental medical procedure that doesn't even stop transmission. (It never was supposed to! If you think it was, you fell for the propaganda...hey, it happens! If you think we were never told it stops transmission well then you also fell for the propaganda...hey, it happens! PROPAGANDA is a powerful tool. Google "message to the unvaccinated" later, and see how you feel with the search results.) 

I, and so many others, were barred from so much. While we watched others around us get injured and then gaslit.


so what. And anyway, it was only for a few months.


It set a precedent, though. And, even more worrisome, no one has apologized.


My Bad.


Our Bad (even). 

My voice was excluded. My body was excluded. My life was excluded.

And it set a precedent. 


It still stings, remembering how a friend accused me of "being ok with killing grandma", since I wouldn't be forcing this injection on my children. It stings when I think about the pain my children went through, not being allowed to take classes in the community centre, being told they weren't allowed to friends homes, being asked to "stand back from me cause you're not vaccinated" on the playground, being accused by peers for "killing grandma", being asked in class to raise hands if they had the procedure or not, looking at me uncertainly for reassurance, as they told me these stories. 

But they always trusted me, so the sting only goes so far. I stood my ground. 

Other people's stories are worse.


If you've already got yours and you don't want any more, then don't get any more. Do Not Comply.

There's something fishy going on, and once you get an injection you cannot undo it. Once the powers that be grasp more control you cannot undo it. Well, not without a lot of trouble, at least.

You've certainly heard the new guidance from the CDC. Vaccinated and Unvaccinated should be treated "the same", now! (Look closely and you'll also see some other info they edited out of their guidelines! https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/cdc-quietly-removes-a-massive-claim?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F32715357-el-gato-malo&utm_medium=reader2) But, where's the apology? Where's the apology for LIVES RUINED? MARRIAGES RUINED? DECADES LONG FRIENDSHIPS RUINED? FAMILIES RUINED? JOBS CAREERS EDUCATION RUINED? REPUTATIONS SMEARED? See, what the CDC is saying now is what many were screaming about way back when. And those people were mocked. People were mocked for "doing their own research", or for simply already being experts on the topic, worthy of having their voice heard. 

(Oh, and where I live, we no longer listen to the CDC. My employer, even, (and to an overwhelming outcry of rage!) is calling for boosters. I, and countless others, will stand my ground. I will NOT Follow the $cience, or the Political $cience. 

Maybe that's why I haven't gotten any apologies yet? Cause google the likes of me and you'll get "selfish" and "difficult", apparently.)

I was barred from visiting my family, and many of them still are not even allowed to come to Canada. After a two night stay two hours away from here, but across the border, in June, my 13 year old Greta was forced to test (without symptoms, just because "policy"...I mean "$cience") in order to re-enter the country, and then quarantine for two weeks, just because "policy"...I mean "punishment" for her status. She missed two weeks of end of school stuff. I would've skipped the rules, but she traveled with others, and they would've been on the hook for the fines. Which are anywhere from $5,000 to $1 million, or 6 months-3 years in prison. Do you think I'm kidding?

I'm not. Go ahead and look it up.

Couple months later and I'm waiting for a family-visit-fine through my mail slot any day now. I won't be paying it. Do you think I'm kidding?


Do Not Comply. Anymore. 

I'd like an apology. The science hasn't changed. It's the same as it ever was. (Hey, a long while back we all caught covid from a fully vaccinated person! I was less sick, for less long, than that person. Grateful for the natural immunity!) THE SCIENCE HASN'T CHANGED. It's the same as it ever was. And so are the consequences of discrimination, bullying, segregation, and fear mongering. 

Divided We Fall, United We Stand. 

It's time for apologies. And...

...forgiveness. We can show this crazy world. (Or...I can just stay cynical. With a smidge of hope.)

One thing's for sure, though:

I was wrong in the beginning, and I know that. 

And I haven't re-written the past. That'd be right outta 1984, 

and I want outta 1984.


"The Dehumanization of the Unvaccinated" (3 minutes)


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