It's Only Money
It's been awhile since I wrote, and this might be a good follow up to my last post: A Pandemic Of The People. Since it sure isn't over.
If you think it is, well we are living in different worlds. If you think the virus is simply becoming endemic and it's something we'll have to live with and that's that swipe your hands together and wave it away...well we are living in different worlds. Maybe I'd rather be in yours?
I won't expand on this next section--even though I'd love to--cause I think the facts are all we need here: when the pandemic started I got laid off. The government, which I say now much more like this: The government(!), well it offered all its laid off citizens (there were many of us, remember?) financial assistance in the form of The CERB (remember?). I remember. Even though I almost forgot, since it'd been 2 years. But see just recently, 2 years and 2 tax filings later, the government told me that oops they gave me too much when they gave me that "CERB advance" (what?) and so sorry...(actually there was no sorry, how un-Canadian)...well they need that money back.
When I got the email a couple months ago I was like, "WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!"
And hoped it was some kind of weird mistake thingy. Some kind of gobbledy "we were only supposed to give you $500/week and you were given $2000/month so we need some of that back" 1+1=3 type of explanation accompanied.
Then I got a hard copy of it in the mail, demanding the money back by a certain date or else. More 1+1=3 to justify it. So I phoned the number. Spoke to some sweet South American sounding person who, when she said, "The government was trying to help people by giving them an advance," I said, "Hmmm I didn't ask for an advance, I didn't know it was an advance, and I didn't WANT to be unnecessarily laid off in order to receive government handouts that would have to be partially re-paid to my surprise 2 years later while on a mat leave only living off of 55% of my income!"...I heard her laugh in agreement, and then carry on with her script. She suggested a way I could appeal the decision and I thanked her muchly. Then followed her suggestion.
Today, though. Today I went on my banking to pay a bill and saw a curious deposit into my account--for an unusual amount.
It was for my maternity leave payment, which comes in the form of EI, only it was much less than the usual deposit. I became very suspicious. I phoned EI.
Turns out they were experiencing "a higher than usual volume of calls"!! Oh really? And that my "wait time would be more than an hour"!! Oh really? There was another little blurb recording about how if you'd been asked to pay back CERB it had just been taken from your account.
I checked the hard copy from awhile back again. Saw the note about how the government would be taking the money directly out of people's EI, EVEN IF THEY HAD ARRANGED A PAYMENT PLAN WITH THE GOVERNMENT! So...people on EI for mat leaves or unemployment or pandemic related nonsense would just have their money confiscated? Like a hand just going into the account and TAKING IT? Fear and rage reminiscent of when many realized the government might freeze their bank account Any Day Now because they gave like maybe $25 to a protest movement back in February? Yes.
I phoned another number, realizing it might be able to address my questions more directly than the place I'd sat on hold with at least 30 minutes already. Same thing, one hour or more wait times. By the time I got through, the guy, sounding like he was either IN or simply from somewhere in Africa, well he said his intro schpeel and just as I was about to talk I heard him, "Hello? Hello? Are you there?" and then THE CALL DROPPED.
Does The government(!) have a call back function for such instances?
Of course not!
Maybe once everyone pays back their CERBs they will?
It's not a grotesque amount of money. I have savings. But this is not what it's for.
I'm grateful I have savings and don't live in debt. But this is not what it's for.
You know how you'd just like to get ahead a little bit?
There is so much injustice in the world.
No I didn't lose my business to the pandemic. But many people did.
No I didn't lose my pension, or my ability to access EI as a result of being laid off a job for simply not submitting to an experimental medical procedure. But many people did.
No I didn't lose someone to medical malfeasance laced COVID. But many people did.
Have I lost friends? Yes.
Have I lost time with family for traditions and funerals and celebrations and just plain old life? Yes!!!
Have I been unjustly discriminated against for my rational well thought out choices? Yes.
Have I lost dreams? Yes! Yes I have.
I have awoken, though. Not simply because of the lost dreams, but...just in general. And if you know what I mean, you know what I mean.
I'm new at this, this Tales of an Economic Hitman-ish level awareness. The anger and questioning that accompanies can be overwhelming. And then to have to pay this money, well.
It pales in comparison to the fact that a man was killed by a police officer FOR USING COUNTERFEIT MONEY and then the world erupted in protest (understandable!!!)
but when 17 CHILDREN WERE KILLED while 17 police officers stood around and did nothing for 77 minutes the protests ARE nothing. They are non existent! The cop's name was released immediately, for killing a man, and no cops names have been released when 17 children's lives were horrifically ended.
Bet you didn't think I'd go there, here.
How is all this related?
Evil lurks. Takes over. Lives are destroyed. Corruption and politics for show abound. Greed and power rule the rulers. While the rest of us...
Lord, have mercy.
That's how.
It's only money.
Here's a great send off:
"THANK YOU last 2 years: I've been RED PILLED, Suneel Dhand, MD"
UPDATE: It could be even worse
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