
Showing posts from October, 2020

What I Miss About Dating

It's not like I did it for that long. But I was pretty prolific. Efficient.  Every so often, since I've been with Simon, I'll have a dream where I'm single again. For whatever reason. And I'll be back thinking oh no I "have to" date again. And it's mostly an icky, empty, scary feeling. Sometimes it sits with me even after I wake up, you know how dreams do that. And for a few time-is-weird-seconds(?) I'll still think it's real. And then the gift of realizing it isn't sinks in. Phew!, of course. Cause dating can be (mostly) awful.  But, there are things that happen in it, little windows, that help redeem it. Little pleasant years later memories. "Oh, that wasn't sooooooooo bad" kind of thoughts. Like today, when I was thinking of these little windows I remembered about people.  Mostly there's this guy who came to my mind today, and for the LIFE of me I CANNOT remember his name! Not that I'd put it here. But, it was one o...


  "The irony of loneliness is that we all feel it at the same time" Rupi Kaur If only I could believe that.  Cause I don't, really. Loneliness is something we all feel, and many of us feel it at the same time, and many of us don't. I believe that because sometimes I don't feel lonely. It is a beautiful poem either way...  but sometimes I don't feel lonely. And other people most certainly do. And sometimes I do. (Lately. Often.) And other people most certainly don't. Maybe it's the pandemic? The loneliness lately and often thing. Maybe it's the pandemic's trickle down and around and everywhere effect.  I received today, in fact, a post about loneliness from this guy I follow, Mark Manson. Basically saying what we all already know--that reports of loneliness are going up. That it's probably due to our current lifestyles--even pandemic aside--you know, how we have these individualistic cultures, we move away from our families, we are hooked on...