Did I ever tell you the story of how I thought Hosea was lost? Ok ok actually there are a couple "I thought Hosea was lost" stories now that I think of it. I'll save one for another post! So did I ever tell you ONE of those stories of how I thought Hosea was lost?! Last year, around this time, we were all out at our usual playground, the one I've been going to for the past 10 years. I've gotten pretty relaxed there, I'll get caught up in conversations with people while the kids are running around all over the place, climbing trees, hiding in bushes, wandering. I don't always need to see them. I'm not much of a helicopter parent. But at this time Hosea was only just 4, so I needed to keep him somewhat in my sight much of the time. As I was catching up with a friend I'd run into there I noticed he was over on the side, kind of by the adjacent community centre building, with some buckets, looking like he was going to dig or dump or something like t...