Five (More) Years and Fifty Posts Later
Tomorrow Hosea turns 10! As I read to him tonight, from the Series of Unfortunate Events, Simon came in the room with the video camera. "It's your last night of single digits, how do you feel?" How do I feel? How could I even get back into the book after that with all the tears coming? Hosea knew, not even hearing the snifffles, by the way Simon responded to me. "Is Mama crying?"..."Yeah, you're getting bigger! But you still like to be read to!" Yes. He stayed in my bed the longest (Joey, do you hear that? Don't get any ideas!), and now he's being read to the longest. The girls sometimes hassle him about this, and I sometimes sigh at the end of a long day that I have to read to him still / again / can't you just read to yourself ? But..."He finds your voice comforting," Simon tells me. He knows the drill. Also, this won't last forever. Just like the fits. A little or a large piece of each of us, though, does last for...