Sex, Irregardless

Sex. It's fun, isn't it?
There's lots I could write about it.
In a book, incognito!!!

But this was just bait, to see how many would click.

You're here! You clicked!

So, Just For Fun. Stay.
Irregardless of how you feel about this right now. (Oh how I love that "word"!)
This post won't be completely irregardless of sex. I promise.

I posted something on Instagram this morning, and it's interesting there cause you can tag things and then people you don't know from wherever in the world might see them and like them. This girl today from Germany liked a post I'd done, about mis-matched socks.
I clicked on her profile to check out what she's about:
"______. 25 y.o. Just For Fun!" And what followed were
Tons Of Selfies.
Just For Fun.
#nomakeup #wokeupthisway #freckles #onfleek
Just For Fun.

Oh my gosh I was howling. Sorry, _____.
I showed Simon.
Oh my gosh he was howling. Sorry, _____.
She's in Germany, so then Simon started using a German accent and pretended to be some kind of SS agent ordering ______ around,
Just For Fun.

I know,

ohhhhh such bad taste.
All of it.
Like the title of this post.
(Funny though?)
(And _____. 25 y.o. Just For Fun! well good for you just having fun. That's mostly what I do on there too. And people probably laugh at me and not with me even if laughing in any way is not even intentionally on the menu. Just For Fun!)

Behind the scenes at this blog situation I have, well I can see how many people view different posts. (Not WHO! So don't worry.) Anyway, I think I've mentioned this before.
I try not to take it personally, but I'm human, so I do irregardless. (Just like _____ might if she knew what I was writing here? But she's sort of a social media trope anyway so can we just accept that and move on?) If I get lots of reads I think I'm doing great, if I get not very many I think what's the point why am I writing this is stupid I don't even read blogs myself so why would other people read mine oh why did I listen to those people who told me to start up here why don't I just shut up and keep things to myself like other people do why isn't my blog being looked at other places I mean it's not like I use lines like "oh I write so I can get things out that I just can't verbalize" seriously I saw that the other day from a woman writing about why she writes oh I don't write that badly I'm not using the word irregardless for real so what's going on oh maybe it's actually cause the world is going to shit and no one really cares about stories about ballet or what I'm reading about or what I'm doing with my free time cause remember the world is going to shit (is it?) but well then don't people want an escape or something or a laugh or to feel something from someone else not from themselves oh maybe it's cause there are just too many choices out there and everyone thinks they're (their) a writer and everyone's a critic..........
and can you tell I could just go on and on and on? Irregardless?!

When I write posts with titles like Addiction, Break Ups, Divorce, JEALOUSY ohhhhhh people are allllllllll over it. This fascinates me. / And doesn't surprise me.
I studied psychology in university. I watched Mad Men. (Oh yehhhssssssss.)

Do you out there realize this as well? That it's happening, in whatever way it happens?
...I'm human, too.
I don't not know this...I'm in the happening of it too!

Sex is one of the most tantalizing topics! What greater way to try my little experiment!
I asked Simon if I should even do it. He said, "You're probably gonna piss people off." He said, "It's probably been done before," to which I said, "So what, I haven't done it before!" I asked, just to see if a change of course would be better, "Well what other topics are there?" and he said, "...Murder?"

Hahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! HA!

Don't click if I ever put that as a blog post title, ok? Fooled you once...

But seriously, I won't do this again. I just wanted to experiment.
It might be tainted. I get that the Addiction post has such high views because once it has high views then when people go to my blog they are actually directed from whatever the first post they're reading is to that post. I get that if anyone posts a comment on fb about what I've done here, well then the jig is UP! (So...umm...don't?)

Final words, though. There's a reason you clicked on this post. And it's probably...that you should be having more sex? If you can. Just For Fun. I mean, the world is going to shit!
And anyway if I could safely write about sex here oh let me tell you I WOULD!!!
But I won't. Cause that might piss people off even more than me tricking you into thinking that I did! So...irregardless.

Megan. 40 y.o. Just For Fun!


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