The Weighty Place(s)
So there's this place. I used to go to it a lot. But now I don't. Now I only go to this place when it just feels like it's been too long since I've been there. The space in between my visits lengthens with the passing of time, and every new re-entry is met with more joyous--and more fearful--anticipation. You know, kind of like when you leave home for the first time? At first you go back and visit a lot, try to keep in touch with everyone and everything, maintain those ties. But then, as life has pulled you off in another direction, that home doesn't feel like home anymore. And when you visit it it's like you truly are just a visitor now. Seeing it with fresh eyes. And maybe it's seeing you with fresh eyes too. Maybe you're not meant for each other anymore. Being meant for each other only worked in that other lifetime. Of course this angle can be seen with relationships too. Think about break-ups, divorce. Places, though. They hold their own in...