My Boys
"Mama, you can't give in to him like that!" How many times am I caught off guard by moments like this--surreal! Hosea is advising me on parenting. This morning, too, I had that all-too-familiar scene with a little one about socks, socks being too tight or having something pokey in them or just not feeling right once the shoes are put on. Seriously Joey? I thought I only had to do that with Hosea? Sock and shoe drama was such a thing with that guy when he was pre-kindergarten. No not these shoes! No they're too tight! No they're too big! No I can't run fast in those! No these ones no these ones no there's something in my SHOE!!! Traumatizing, really. For ME. Ok? How much extra time should I have left to make space for that part of any transition? I never learned. And now, here was Joey this morning doing something similar. Only, thankfully I wasn't in a rush like I always felt with Hosea. And...really...Joey doesn't have the stamina that other g...