
Showing posts from December, 2024

Six Poems

 ...And Now I Feel Lighter 1. My Favourite Pants 'Twas love at first sight My favourite pants and I Hanging on that rack You did so excite My thrift store heart Clothes, an art Collections  Selections Perfection, the fabric Soft, just right The fit, not too tight I could tell just by looking No need to try on Tiger faces a-roar No tag inside to inspect The price just right: Two dollars My Favourite Pants  2. Here Comes My Man Is that him, again, that riff-raff look? Cycling up that hill? No helmet (no brains?!), just touque (so Canadian!!) No visibility gear Just green, maybe some rips, the pants from yesterday And the day before that And the day before that Hands in pockets, no need to steer Maybe filming, or photoing, or texting me now Sending a song Or, finding his route Heart a-flutter, it might be him!  Serendipity again! Whoops, twas Mistaken But grateful he'll be-a-home later I'll save the flutter  Till then  3. Gloves Leaving a site I realize I have...