A Birth Story
I have a family blog, where I keep more of those memories. This is the birth story I wrote for on there, about Therese's birth 9 years ago today! I've edited it a bit for here. This story came to my mind recently because her birthday was coming up, of course. But also in light of my own thoughts about death, with this current world crisis happening. I know I'm not high risk, but...I also know that you never know. During Therese's birth I felt the closest to death I've ever been! I don't know if it was REAL but the thoughts and feelings sure were REAL. So, for those of you who love a birth story (like I do!), here you go: Therese Marie's Birth Story As I seem to recall, Matthew told Greta's birth story on our family blog. This postpartum period I have more of my wits about me and would love to tell the story of Therese's birth myself. It all started last Saturday with a fitful sleep that woke me with contractions at about 5:20 am. I ...